Should You Use A Humidifier And Air Conditioning At The Same Time

Appliances often interact in subtle, unexpected ways. Especially when two or more devices function to achieve somewhat similar goals, there is a need to be careful. People often ask themselves if they truly need both appliances or if they should be using them at the same time. No pair fits this description more than the air conditioner and humidifier.

A humidifier and air conditioner can be used simultaneously, but you often don’t have to. A humidifier can restore moisture to the air if you reside in a dry climate, while your air conditioner eliminates too much of it whenever necessary.

There are also instances where you should not use the two together, but for reasons that may be a little different from what you would expect. To explore this topic thoroughly, we need to first understand what exactly a humidifier and air conditioner do.


What Does a Humidifier Do?

Your home’s humidity is controlled by the use of humidifiers. Humidity is the amount of moisture being held in the atmosphere. Low humidity means the air is dry, affecting your eyes or throat and potentially dehydrating you. High humidity can lead to lethargy and hyperthermia because it is also an indication of the atmosphere retaining a lot of heat. A home should have moderate humidity, and that is what a humidifier hopes to achieve.

Although there are various types of humidifiers, each one has a water reservoir from which it draws moisture to raise the air’s humidity. The most popular types of humidifiers are evaporative, impeller, steam, and ultrasonic. You can select between whole-house and portable humidifiers to fulfill your humidity regulation needs, and both options work quite well. 

There are also whole-house and portable humidifiers. In contrast to portable humidifiers, whole-house devices attach to your HVAC system and distribute moisture throughout the ductwork.


What Does an Air Conditioner Do?

You may or may not be already aware that your air conditioning system removes moisture from the air as it cools your house. Yes, your AC is the number one culprit of your home’s dry conditions.

Your home’s warm air is sucked into the HVAC system and passes over the evaporator coils, where the refrigerant absorbs the moisture and heat in the air. Through the vents, the drier, colder air is returned to your house.

This moisture removal is beneficial for people with homes in humid climates. You may feel warmer when the humidity is too high since perspiration can’t escape from your body as easily. Additionally, too much moisture gives your house a damp, uncomfortable feeling.

Removing moisture from the air will make your home excessively dry if you are already in a dry environment, such as a desert. In addition to making you uncomfortable, this can damage different materials in your house. All these issues combined make it almost impossible to get the correct humidity level without careful tool coordination.


When to Use Both a Humidifier and Air Conditioner

Understanding appropriate house humidity is crucial when selecting whether or not to use a humidifier and the air conditioner together. Maintaining a humidity level in your home between 35 and 55 percent is generally advised. A hygrometer can be used to keep track of the humidity levels in your house.

You can also follow your feelings. Your skin may likely feel dry and itchy if your air conditioner is drying out your home too much. The dry air may also cause headaches, nosebleeds, chapped lips, eye or sinus irritation, and chapped lips. Low humidity levels on a regular basis can dry up wood and other components in your home, resulting in cracking or shrinking. You need a healthy amount of moisture in your home!


When Not to Use Them Both

Running your humidifier and air conditioner when you do not need to will waste electricity and strain both devices. This happens because the two devices end up competing with each other since one is adding moisture to the environment while the other is removing it. The push and pull created shortens the lifespan of your appliances. Therefore, only use your humidifier if the air becomes too dry.

For example, you will find that you will not need to use the humidifier in summer because the air is not as dry as it is in winter.


The Best Home Temperature Control For Australia

All summer long, your air conditioner works hard to keep your house cool, but it also has the potential to dry out the air. When necessary, a humidifier can be added to the mixture to help combat the dryness. Both your air conditioner and the humidifier will operate more effectively if you know when and how to use them together, and you have everything you need to know in this article.

At ActronAir, we’re an Australian-owned and operated company that’s been providing Australia with the best in air conditioning since 1984.

Get in contact with us today, and one of our friendly air-con experts can help you with any questions regarding having the best air around your house!

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