Account Application Deletion

Please sign into your account and follow the below prompts.

By deleting your account, we will remove your account with Actron Engineering.

Deleting your account will:
– Remove all paired air conditioners from your account.
– Remove all authorised devices from your account.
– Disable any future logins from your account.
– Allow your email address to be used to create a new account if you were to sign up again.

How to delete your data:
1. Sign into your account by pressing the button below
2. On the right hand side, click the Close Account button
3. Confirm you would like to close the account
4. Your account and personal data has now been deleted from ActronAir.

Application Developer: Actron Engineering 
Affected Apps: Actron Connect, Que Connect, Neo Connect 

If you have any trouble, please e-mail

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